Siaha, 31 January 2024 ( The 39th Mizoram Journalists’ Association (MJA) Annual Conference and General Election 2024 was held on January 31, 2024 at the I & PRO Conference Hall, Siaha. Shri Beirahmô Syhly, Executive Member in charge of Rural Development, etc MADC, graced the event as the guest of honour. The programme was presided over by Shri V. Pawhla, Editor of NSV.
The newly elected leaders for the term 2024-2026 at the MJA District Headquarters in Siaha are as follows:
President: CZ. Hluna, Stinger at DDK Siaha.
Vice President: J. Jeffrey Khara, Editor of Moonlight.
Treasurer: V. Pawhla, Editor of NSV.
The Executive Committee Members include:
- H. Sabi (DDK Stringer)
- T. Lalrosiama (Editor of Tipa Express)
- B. Vanlalhriata (Editor of Siaha Post)
- C. Lalramnghaka (Editor of Kawleng)
- PT. Lalhnehzoa (Assistant Editor of NSV).
Shri Beirahmô Syhly, the Honourable Executive Member, MADC was accompanied by Vabeikhaihmô Solo, SCO, Beirôkhu Beitâ, I&PO, and Pawsa Lava, AITO.