SIAHA, 23 Chhiepa, 2023, Chutynoh – Zâhnia târi 22.06.2023 khata Central Polution Control Board hmahlana nata chhihthana ry liata Mawrâh sawhkhâ ry liata hriapa nata Mara Autonomous District Council (MADC) Siaha ry liata hriapazy hriaparaohpa ta Single Use Plastics (SUPs) Inspection Team zy ta Siaha Area chhôh Single Use Plastics drive hneipa a châ.
Group ta a pachhaihpa ta, Siaha khichhôh liata vaih hro hro pa lâ ta duty a tuapa a châ. He drive he târi 22.06.2023 tawhta pathaopa ta 26.06.2023 taihta pazao awpa a châ.
New Siaha E 1 & 2, New Siaha West 1 & 2 nata Siahatlâh I, II & III liata Group 1 zy ta drive he hnei ei ta, daoh to lia check pa ta SUP avaopa daoh tawhta fine Rs. 11,700/- hmôpa a châ.
- Packaging/Wrapping commodity having less than 75-micron thickness plastic materials.
- Earbuds with plastic sticks.
- Plastic Sticks for balloons.
- Plastic Flags.
- Candy Sticks:- Ice cream sticks, Polystyrene (Thermocol) for decoration.
- Plates, Cups, Glasses, Cutlery such as forks, spoons, knives, straws, trays, wrapping or packing films around sweet boxes, invitation Cards and cigarette packets, and plastic or PVC banners less than 100 microns.
With inputs from:
Information & Publicity Department
Mara Autonomous District Council